What happens when you don't get swept away with the wind you've followed for your entire life?
Roots can begin to grow and a new life can be transformed from the memories that were gathered into something beautiful and wonderful.
Moss can grow and flourish...
From time to time, I am still daunted by the fact that I could be here forever.
But I also know, that a bird does not choose to stay grounded, sometimes they just have to nest, then lift their wings again with their new family.
Wonderful things are happening.
Amongst some of the new endeavours I have embarked on, teaching has been the most eye opening and rewarding thing I've done for a long time.
From 4 year old confidence building trapeze to using circus as a tool to help those who deserve chances in society, to mature aged adults learning to be kids again.
It feels fantastic to have these opportunities to teach what I know and use it for good!