• The Flying Fish


    (Video links below)

    Jump to a brief holiday in Hawaii, a short stint in my home town of Sydney, a long flight with a late connection, and several hours waiting for someone to pick me up at the airport in Mexico City, the name 'Circo Atayde' written on a small piece of paper, taped to the window of an airport cafe...

    Bienvenidos a Circo Atayde!

    Circo Atayde 2008 Promo:


    The Story thus far:

    Jo Mion (a.k.a Joanne Sandra Mion), was born in Thailand on the 20th February, 1979. Raised in a myriad of Australian landscapes, she once called the seaside of Sydney her Home.


    ☆2011/12 Cirque Du Soleil: Zaia (Macau)☆ 2010 Circus Vargas: The Flying Tabares (California, USA)☆ 2010 Florentine Circus (Israel)☆ 2010 The Flying Ramos (Rose Bowl Pasadena)☆ 2010 Shrine Circus: The Flying Tunizianis (USA)☆ 2009 Cirque D'Hiver: The Bulldancers (Paris)☆ 2009 Netherland National Circus: The Bulldancers (UK)☆ 2008 Circo Atayde Hermanos: The Flying Poemas (Mexico)☆ 2007 Ringling Bros: The Flying Poemas (USA)☆ 2006 Levade Circus Scott: 90 Degress (Sweden)☆ 2006 Trix Circus: The Flying Rodleigh's (Australia)☆ 2005 Silvers Circus (Australia)☆


    Sadly after the Cirque show 'Zaia' was closed, Jo has returned to Australia, this time to start fresh in the City of Melbourne and is teaching petite volante and all manner of circus skills for Westside Circus & Circus Oz in their Public, Community & Outreach programs, as well as the National Institute of Circus Arts at Swinburne University.

    Jo awaits the next adventure.

    ☆☆☆To be continued....